news summer 2023

Albert Einstein Medical Center: Orthodontic Residency Program
University of Pennsylvania Update

Albert Einstein Medical Center (AEMC) Orthodontic Residency Program

Hello, to our friends at GPSO!

Our PGY3 graduates from the Einstein Ortho Class of 2023 - Drs. Mordy Fried, Justin Middleberg, and Madeline Pitz - presented their research in seminar format to their Orthodontic faculty in April 2020. They also presented their physical research posters to hospital research representatives and invited guests as part of our hospital Research Week competition in May 2023. Finally, they each completed a podium presentation of their research projects to the entire Dental Department as part of our June Graduation Grand Rounds.

As part of their graduation requirements, the Class of 2023 presented their Case Preparation Clinical Mock Boards and their ABO-style Unknown Mock Boards to the faculty Promotions and Advancement Committee in December, 2022, March and May 2023. They fulfilled all program requirements for graduation with very strong showings in all.

The PGY1 (rising PGY2) Class of 2025 – Drs. Jessica Azer, Alison Novakovic, and Hannah Yu - completed their Basic Science requirements at UPenn. They continued their progress on their research, didactic courses, and mastering the intricacies of the patient care as they assumed transfer from their PGY3 partners, while navigating the nuances involved with the continuation of care for patients that they started.

Prior to starting their residency at the hospital in late June, all 3 members of the Class of 2026 - Drs. Ana Maria Gonzalez, Alexander Stanco, and Nicoletta Venturini - came to us from private practice. Before starting their private practice experiences, all three finished a GPR program. They were each eager to start our program last month. They are showing much progress in their laboratory and clinical exercises.

Our program successfully completed our CODA site visit reaccreditation process in June. Our site visitor commented on our graduates’ continued successes in the ABO Clinical-based Examination process, the close supervision Einstein Ortho is able to maintain throughout our residents’ learning process, and our strong patient care. Thank you to each of our GPSO-member volunteer faculty who continue to contribute to the success of our residents, patients, and program each day.

Einstein Ortho sincerely thanks the GPSO BOD for their continued support of orthodontic resident education - which includes the education of our residents and of our faculty. We welcome anyone interested in seeing what we’re doing at Einstein Ortho to come and visit.

Most sincerely,
Vanessa Morenzi
Chair, The Maxwell S. Fogel Department of Dental Medicine
Chair and Program Director, The Alan J. Borislow Division of Orthodontics

University of Pennsylvania Update

We are happy to announce the following awards which were presented to faculty and residents:

Dr. Chenshuang Li:
2023 ADEA Leadership Institute Phase V Leadership Development Tuition Scholarship (American Dental Education Association)

Dr. Chenshuang Li:
International Orthodontic Foundation Young Research Grant.

Dr. Chenshuang Li:
American Association of Orthodontists Foundation Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award.

Dr. Mary Cruz Contreras Salas:
2023 American Association of Orthodontists Foundation (AAOF) Research Aid Awards ($6,000). Mentor: Dr. Helen Jeon

Dr. Min Yang:
2023 AAO William R. Profitt Resident Scholar Award Clinical Research- 1st Place. Mentor: Dr. Chenshuang Li

Our comprehensive clinic and didactic Orientation Program will begin on July 10, 2023 as we welcome our new incoming class of 2025.

26 Month Certificate Program
- Jamie Guberman, Penn 2023
- Sarah Horne, Rutgers, 2023
- Jessica Kang, Penn 2023
- Lucy Kim, Penn 2023
- Binglan Xue, Penn 2023

3-year MSOB/Ortho Program
- In-Wong Chang, UCLA 2023
- Leandra Garcia Jorge, University of Puerto Rico, 2021

5-year DScD/Ortho Program
- Fahad Almutairi, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia 2018

Perio/Ortho Program
- Anas Baghareeb, Riyadh Elm University 2020

Dr. Jia-Hong Lin has completed the three-year combined Orthodontic Certificate/MS program. He has defended his thesis and received his certificate as well as MS diploma in June 2023.

On June 21st, our graduates presented their research presentations to the faculty:
ALMER, Nicolette
Evaluating the Alveolar Boundary for Orthodontic Tooth Movement in the Maxillary Anterior Region Within the Class II Population with Different Vertical Patterns
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chenshuang Li

Prevalence of peg laterals, congenitally missing laterals in orthodontic patient population
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chenshuang Li

Effect of Carriere in Class II Correction Combined with Invisalign
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Helen Jeon

Variability in the determination of the FALL line based on clinical experience
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Normand Boucher, Dr. Paul Batastini

CBCT Analysis of the Maxilla in Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hyun-duc Nah-Cederquist, Dr. Helen Jeon

The second-year resident ABO Mock Board Exam will take place August 8st. This will be an in-person exam with each resident submitting cases and new ABO format (Scenario-based Clinical Examination).

On August 25th the 2023 graduation ceremony for our 26-month postdoctoral certificate program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, will take place.

Orthodontic 26-Month Certificate Program
- Nicolette Almer, DMD
- John Davies, DMD

- Herta Granado, DMD
- Grace Nguyen, DMD
- Jamie Silverberg, DMD

We wish them all the very best and continued success in their future endeavors.

Our J. Henry O’Hern annual Orthodontic Alumni Day will be held in-person on Friday, October 27th at Penn Dental Medicine
Speaker, Dr. Barry Glaser – Clear Aligner Treatment
CEU credits will be available.

Additional program information and registration will be available online sometime soon. Keep checking the PDM Alumni website for more information regarding Penn Dental Medicine.

As always, we would be privileged to have you visit with us at UPENN!

Respectfully submitted by,

Chun-Hsi Chung, DMD, MS
Chauncey M. F. Egel Endowed Chair
Associate Professor
Department of Orthodontics

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